PINS - Rule Two: Finding Someone
(And who is 'that someone': AKA “She died young / They died old / We tell stories never told.”)
Remember the first rule-post of the game. We need to find someone, to tell the C.O.s to do something. Maybe the C.O.s can ask each other; a Cascara Ononis can ask a Cortina Oven-Bird, or a Clicket Optophone to do something, for example, and vice versa, but maybe there needs to be a third person to tell them.
So, first of all, we need to find someone.
That someone can be someone who:
Can use a car jack in a mountainous stretch of another country.
Teaches someone else to mix concrete (one part cement, two parts fine aggregate (sand) and four parts coarse aggregate) for general domestic use, preferrably on a driveway or out the backs.
Understands how a photocopier works: especially those with the new fangled, multi-layered, digital displays.
Can make a plate pie, on a plate.
Recognises good pointing.
Knows about Subbuteo.
When looking for someone, it is worth worth remembering that:
All knowledge gained after the age of 21 is considered SURPLUS.
Batting is best done on a wet wicket.
Titian is a Gothic painter.
Puffins are much smaller when you see them in the wild.
There are many (pre)historical field patterns still visible to the naked eye.
Fernet Branca is rocket fuel and can help you rise unaided from the bonnet of a Hillman Avenger.
You can hide under a table in an emergency.
For now, write down and photocopy these words, and pass them around.
A final point. The someone we seek should be able to provide knowledge of the family graves. Knowledge of where the family (g)raves are, is vital and imports High Magicke. This knowledge must also include a good working understanding on how to “get graveside” regardless of practice, religion, or denomination. Also, a canny understanding of where the buckets and bins are, or where the nearest 24-hour garage is. The High Magicke comes primarily from the will of the rememberer. As this knowledge is ephemeral and we must remember that all appurtenances and trappings of it can disappear within a generation. Learn from the Ancients, they played PINS.
Richard's riddles makes your mind twist in New ways, u encountered before.